San Joaquin, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The City of San Joaquin is located in California. It has one bank, United Security Bank. San Joaquin is a growing city with an active government, a professional staff, and civic-minded residents. The city is currently planning to expand its core landscape and offers a variety of opportunities for its residents and commercial enterprises. Its population is about 60,000 and is home to several large employers.

The median age of residents in San Joaquin City is 27.3 years old. The average age for native-born citizens is 13 years old, while the median age for foreign-born residents is 44. According to the United States Census Bureau, San Joaquin is part of the Stockton-Lodi, CA metropolitan statistical area, which is the 76th most populous in the United States. In comparison, the San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, CA Combined Statistical Area is the fifth most populous.

The median property value in San Joaquin, CA is $164,900, which is 0.686 times less than the national average. In San Joaquin, CA, 81% of the population drove alone to work in 2019, while 14.4% carpooled to work. Two percent of workers work from home. The chart above shows the proportion of households using each mode of transportation over the past several years. The logarithmic scale is helpful for showing differences in smaller means of transportation.

QuickFacts provides statistics on all states, counties, cities, and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. The data, however, may not be comparable to those in other geographic areas because the estimates are based on sample data and have sampling errors. Each row has a Quick Info icon to see the sampling error and its corresponding geographic location. The vintage year refers to the last year of the series.