San Francisco Fpo, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that San Francisco is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States? There is a projected growth of around 20% in the city between now and 2035. This growth is expected to increase density significantly, with more than half of the city's population living in the most dense areas. The city's population is 864,816 people. In addition to the population of San Francisco, the entire Bay Area is expected to increase by 1.1 million people, bringing its current population to over 4.6 million.

In terms of race and ethnicity, San Francisco has a low proportion of non-Hispanic whites and a majority of minority groups. However, the city has a high proportion of same-sex households and a low percentage of white residents. If you want to get a better understanding of the demographics of San Francisco, read on! Here are the top statistics for San Francisco, California: