San Fran Apo, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

San Fran Apo City is located in the province of California. The city is comprised of many residential neighbourhoods. Some of the neighborhoods are old and rich, while others are mostly African American. Many of the neighborhoods are full of flower-decked houses and pastel stucco. Some of the houses feature "painted ladies" - intricately coloured frames.

According to the 2010 census, there were 882k people living in San Fran Apo City. The median age was 38.5 years old, and the age distribution of the population was as follows: 107,524 people under the age of 18, 77,664 people aged 18-24, 307,863 people aged 25-44, 208,403 people aged 45-64, and 109,842 people aged 65 and above.

The population of San Fran Apo City is diverse: a third of the city is Hispanic and the other half is White. The city has a small percentage of native Californians. The age distribution of San Fran Apo is below the national average for any major metropolitan area.

In San Francisco, the population is estimated to increase by 20% by the year 2035. Currently, there are 873,965 people in the city. This is one-fourth the population of New York City.