Ragged Point, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In this article we'll look at the population & steets in Ragged Point City. The city was founded in 1796, so you'll be able to see the city's past growth. Before that, politics was partisan and rival factions were drawn from the same ruling group. Today, there are two competing factions, but there were only a few in the city at that time.

The first Hornbrook Ragged School was opened in 1865, and by 1870 there were more than 800 students enrolled. By contrast, the state schools in the district could only accommodate about 1500 children. While the exact number of students enrolled in Ragged Schools is difficult to determine based on records, we can estimate the numbers from class enrolments and HRSA annual reports. Based on those records, the population was around 2100.