Potter Valley, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and stouts of Potter Valley City are shown below. This information is based on the Potter Valley Community Unified School District's raw head count. The chart also shows the distribution of people living in Potter Valley by wage bucket. This information can help you find the best location for you and your family. You may be interested in learning more about the city's ethnic makeup. There is a high percentage of Hispanics in the city.

The cost of living is moderate in Potter Valley, California. The median household income is $74,236. The sales tax rate is 7.9%, and the average property tax was 0.7% last year. You may be wondering what kind of climate Potter Valley has. The city enjoys a moderate climate. During the summer, the temperature can reach as high as 102 degrees Fahrenheit. The winters are mild, with lows around 50 degrees.

The population of Potter Valley is approximately 1,900. There are schools up to High School, local medical care providers, and recreational opportunities. The county-wide annual event, the Potter Valley Expo and Rodeo, takes place Memorial Day weekend. The festivities begin with a parade through the town on Saturday morning. Then, chicken barbeque is held by the local Volunteer Fire Department. Other Saturday activities include an axe-throwing competition, a junior rodeo, and a variety of other activities. The nightlife is vibrant and exciting.

Crime rates in Potter Valley are low compared to surrounding cities. In fact, the crime rate in Potter Valley is much lower than the national average. Residents will appreciate this news. Crime rates are lower than the national average and the California state average, and the community is not as safe as the average neighborhood. But, there are some places that have a higher crime rate, and those are the areas where people congregate.