Potrero, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table displays the population and steets of Potrero City, California. The data can be easily compared to other cities, towns, and ZIP codes. To get more information, please visit the California Census Data Comparison Tool. The tool is easy to use and is based on user reviews and search queries. You can view other cities in California by using the links below.

Showplace Square and Potrero Hill contain significant bike lanes, but the network is largely concentrated in the flat parts of the area. Bicycle connections need to be strengthened, especially east-west. The SFMTA has plans to improve the bicycle network on 17th Street in Potrero City, strengthening connections to the Mission District and Mission Bay. In addition, a bicycle lane runs along 16th Street east of Kansas.

Showplace Square consists of an urban, mixed-use development. The neighborhood also has a lower-intensity industrial area. However, the public transit system in Showplace Square does not provide many direct connections to downtown. As a result, these areas will require additional links to regional transit and key destinations. The SFMTA must carefully balance competing land uses and prioritize transit speed. It is important to note that the area around the historic Showplace Square will likely undergo the greatest development.

In addition to a growing urban center, the neighborhood is also home to Victorian model homes. The neighborhood is generally safe, with a population of 59,297 residents. It is a good place for public transportation, cycling, and walking. In addition to Victorian model homes, Potrero City is home to many families. Its location in San Francisco makes it an attractive place for those looking for a home.