Point Reyes Station, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Point Reyes Station is a city in the state of California. It has a great community and great schools. Point Reyes Station also has a great daycare center and is full of things to do. There are also homes for sale in the city. Here are the population and steets of the city.

Point Reyes Station is a city in Marin County, California. It is also known by its ZIP code. The USPS assigns a default name to each ZIP code. The city is known by this default name. The population of the city is given below, in 2010 and 2020. The city's population is also listed along with street names and the state. The city also has a museum called the Point Reyes Station Museum. The museum also has a street address and a phone number.

Point Reyes Station is home to 288 people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds. In addition to white residents, 0.03% of the residents identify as Asian, 0.0% as Black, and 19.1% are Hispanic. The remaining 80% are white.

The city is home to over 450 housing units, at a density of 135.5 per square mile. A majority of the housing units are occupied by renters. There is a zero-vacancy rate for homeowner-owned housing, and a 6.8% vacancy rate for rental units. Moreover, there are over 930 million users of the Moovit application, and it can be used on mobile devices, desktop computers, and tablets.