Playa Vista, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are many things to know about the Population & Steets of Playa Vista City. As a former industrial town, Playa Vista was once the home of the Hughes Aircraft Company, a billionaire aviator who built the Spruce Goose. Now Playa Vista has transformed itself into one of the biggest tech hubs in the Los Angeles area, home to massive offices of major technology companies.

The population of Playa Vista city is comprised of a variety of races, ethnicities, and sexes. While the majority of the residents are English speakers, other important languages are Chinese and Indian. The percentage of Hispanics in the Playa Vista city is 48.6%. This number is not a good representation of the city's diversity. It is also indicative of generational replacement.

The Playa Vista real estate market is primarily composed of small and medium apartment complexes and single-family homes. This low density makes it an excellent place for young professionals who want to commute into the city. Most residents, however, work outside the Playa Vista community. The average vacancy rate of these apartments is 8.5%. This number is considerably higher than most other California neighborhoods. In contrast, Playa Vista is home to a large concentration of technology companies.

The population of Playa Vista is quite wealthy compared to other Los Angeles neighborhoods. The median household income is $91,500, which is almost twice as much as the median income for Los Angeles. Residents live in luxury homes and drive expensive cars, with most belonging to the high-end luxury brand category. These residents send their children to private preparatory schools, vacation to Disney, and spend their summers in Europe.