Platina, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To find out more about the population and steets of Platina City, CA, you should check the population and school enrollment information for the area. This information will help you make decisions about the environment of your children and the local job market. The school enrollment in the Platina city and county is 45,010.

The crime rate for Platina City is calculated as the number of crimes per thousand residents during a standard year. Although there are a number of crime hotspots in Platina, the overall crime rate is low compared to the average California city. Although Platina does have some crime hotspots, there are only a few retail areas in the city. These areas are not as dangerous as the surrounding neighborhoods, so crime rates may appear to be higher.

The population of Platina, CA is composed of 206 people. There are 117 males and 89 females. The average age of male residents is 46.2 and the median age for females is 42.5. There are 1,831 births and 1,651 deaths every year in Platina. The current race breakdown for Platina is 203 one race and three others.