Pinole, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and the streets of Pinole City, California, you have come to the right place. Pinole City is a charming city that is home to several notable people. These include Gina Torretta, Heisman Trophy winner, and Gary Holt of the metal band Exodus. It is also a place where many professional athletes, including San Francisco Giants forward Josh McDaniels, call home.

Pinole City, CA is a diverse community, with about twenty percent foreign-born residents and 6.3 percent white residents. The population is largely composed of foreign-born citizens, with a significant proportion from China, Philippines, and Mexico. A significant proportion of Pinole's residents are Hispanic, with a population of 21.4% hispanic. The area is home to many military veterans.

Pinole is a historic city with a rich history dating back to the Huchiun Indians. In fact, the city's name is derived from the Nahuatl language for "flour", which is a product of maize, chia, and various annual herbs. The city is known for its historic heritage and is a short commute to San Francisco and Oakland.