Pinecrest, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get a quick overview of Pinecrest City's population, consider the following chart. It lists the percentage of White, Hispanic, and Asian residents. The chart also lists the breakdown of the population by race. In Pinecrest, FL, a majority of people live in homes that are at least partially owned by white residents. In comparison, Hispanic residents make up the largest percentage of the population.

The median age of the entire population in Pinecrest, FL, was 42.3 years old in 2019. The average age of foreign-born residents was 51 years old, compared to a median age of 31 for native-born residents. In 2018, the median age of the city was 42. The most common birthplace for foreign-born residents in Florida was Cuba. There were 986,238 native-born residents from Cuba, followed by Haiti with 338,524 citizens. And Colombia had 270,705 residents from that country.

The median household income in Pinecrest City is $130,900, which is significantly higher than the state's average. The average home here costs $840,000, and many celebrities live there. Despite its rich reputation, Pinecrest is a suburb of Miami, located on Biscayne Bay. According to Census figures, 61.7 percent of adults age 25 and older have a bachelor's degree or higher. Twenty-seven percent of adults have finished college, and one or more correctional facilities are nearby.