Piedra, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the Piedra population stats, you've come to the right place. The city is located in California, and is approximately 39 miles from Los Angeles and San Francisco. Here, you can view the population and steets in Piedra City and find out more about its people. You can also view the Piedra weather data below. If you'd like to learn more about the city, read on to discover the most current demographics.

The Piedras Negras municipality is the third largest city in Coahuila. It will soon surpass Monclova in population. The population of Piedras Negras is approximately 143,915 and is a blend of locals and foreigners. The growth in Piedras Negras is largely due to its status as a border city, and its exports to the U.S., which is mostly made of textiles.

The barrios cerrados (barrios with perimeter walls) allow the upper class to build in the midst of lower class neighborhoods. This practice is common in Latin America, where the idea of building perimeter walls in poor neighborhoods is popular with urban developers. In Piedra City, however, the traditional upper class quarters are concentrated in the western part of the city. The new cities follow a pattern of macrosegregation and contain a high proportion of social housing.