Phelan, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to Phelan City, California, then you need to know its population and steets. A city's quality of life can vary wildly from person to person, so it's important to research the local amenities before you move. Phelan's bike score is only 24. Almost all errands are done by car, so it's important to know how accessible your local amenities are.

Phelan has diverse businesses and residents who live and work in the city. Most businesses are in the retail and service industry. Many of these businesses are locally owned by Phelan families. These businesses support the needs of the small, rural community and are locally owned. You'll also find a number of community organizations sponsored by local businesses. Phelan has a high quality of life, but it's not without its downsides.

If you're interested in learning more about Phelan, CA's population and steets, you'll find the following helpful:

Phelan has a diverse population that includes 82.4% white residents, 1.2% blacks, and 1.9% Hispanics. The average household income in Phelan is $58,899, and it is also highly educated with a high percentage of high school graduates. You'll also want to find out whether your potential customers own their homes. If so, you'll have an easier time finding them.