Petrolia, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning to visit the city, you should know its population and steets statistics. It is one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. In addition to its booming economy, the city has an excellent public safety and emergency response system. However, if you're looking for more information about this city, you might want to consult a city planner or a real estate agent.

Crime rates vary greatly in different parts of the city. A map that shows you where the crime rate is highest is helpful in determining how safe a particular area is. Crime rates are higher in central areas than in the northwest area, as more people live in these areas. While crime rates in these areas are higher in central and northwest parts of the city, the crime rates in these areas are not necessarily indicative of a high risk for residents.

The median household income in Petrolia is $48,250. The median age of residents in the city is 37. Residents of this city are a diverse mix, and there are no majorities in any racial or ethnic group. While the majority of residents are white, others work in different sectors. Construction and Health Care & Social Assistance are the two industries that pay the highest wages in the city.