Penryn, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Penryn, CA, you will find an 86.1% white population and 2.9% black and Hispanic residents. There are also three categories of occupations. About 11% of the population works in the service industry, while 22% work in the blue collar field, while 67% are employed in white-collar roles. In this article, we will discuss the population and steets of Penryn, CA.

The median age for residents of Penryn, CA is 47.8%, which is higher than the national average of 64.1%. However, the homeownership rate in Penryn, CA is still much higher than the national average of 64.1%. Penryn has a higher than average homeownership rate of 83.2%, which is higher than the national average of 62.4%. In Penryn, CA, people have an average commute time of 23.5 minutes. Penryn, CA has the same number of cars per household as the national average, with two vehicles per household.

The median annual income for households in Penryn, CA is $61,905, which is lower than the $72,040 for the entire United States. Penryn's income disparity is 1.16% higher than the national average. The city has an estimated 360 residents. Its top two industries are Construction and Public Administration, which each employs nearly half of the city's workers. In addition to these two industries, Penryn has 37 foreign-born residents, which is slightly higher than the national average.