Parlier, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most common means of transportation in Parlier City are car, railroad, and walking. Approximately 6,024 people commute to work by car. Another 70 people choose to walk to work, while 18 commute by railroad. The US Census Bureau compiles this data annually, but it does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. The population is based on the most recent available data. Listed below are the top three ways to get around in Parlier.

The population of Parlier is 6,606.2 people per square mile. The population is comprised of US citizens 18 years old or older. The median age of residents is 28.2. The population is diverse and includes a mix of people. Parlier's ethnic makeup is diverse, with 99.0% identifying as white, 16.3% Hispanic, and 0.4% Black or Asian. The average home value is $93,038.

The average household size is 4.6. The proportion of married couples is 60.9%. Kingsburg has the highest proportion of married couple families. It's slightly smaller than Parlier, but still larger than Sanger. The median household income in Parlier is $42,886. The percentage of single women is 12.6% higher than in the U.S. While Sanger has a population of 8,020, Parlier has a low unemployment rate of 0.86%.

The most diverse demographic in Parlier City is its young population. The smallest group is under twenty-five years of age, while the oldest group is 60-69. The most common age group is between sixty-nine and seventy-one. The remaining age groups are composed of older people. A few demographic indicators are provided below. In terms of gender, Parlier City's population is diverse and young families make up the bulk of the population.