Palomar Mountain, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in the population and steets of Palomar Mountain City, California, then you have come to the right place. This city is located within 32 miles from the big cities, making it an ideal location for an extensive variety of residents. For a better understanding of the area, you can view the maps and other information below. The population of this city is a good indicator of its economic health.

When comparing crime rates between neighborhoods, keep in mind that certain areas of the city are generally safer than others. The area around parks and major airports, for example, is relatively safe, but crime in the neighborhoods is not. Generally, crimes occur where people are, so you may find red areas on the map that represent more crime than they actually are. These statistics are merely representative and can vary by neighborhood.

The city is surrounded by beautiful mountain views. Its 6,000-foot elevation is just right for a day trip, with the highlight being the Palomar Mountain Observatory, a dome-shaped structure surrounded by fern-covered meadows. The location offers year-round high-country recreation and scenic drives. While the population of Palomar Mountain City is relatively small, the area is well worth the trip.

The population of Palomar Mountain City is made up of a diverse group of people. The majority of the population is white, with approximately 79.4% of households containing people of another race. The number of households containing a woman without a husband is also high at 11.6%. A few percentages are non-family, with 23.3% being single and 7.9% containing senior citizens. The average size of a household is 2.73 people, and families are roughly three and a half years old.