Orinda, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This table presents the Population & Steets in Orida City, CA. For this city, the Census data is tagged to residential addresses. The percentage of households that are single is 34%, which is in the mid-range among the other cities in the metro area. The highest percentage of singles is found in the Saranap CDP, at 48%. In comparison, Orinda's population is three-fourths of the United States' average.

Orinda's population is composed of both native and foreign born residents. Its population is approximately 34% white, with about 16.8% of residents being black. Its median age is 48, indicating that it is getting older for both native and foreign-born citizens. Most of the city's foreign-born residents were born in Mexico and the Philippines, which together account for around 12% of the population. The highest percentage of residents in Orinda are between 40 and 49 years old.

Despite the high rate of crime, the quality of life in Orinda is exceptional. The public schools are very good, and the teachers are superb. Parents raise obscene amounts of money for the school system and spend an inordinate amount on grad night. This money could put two kids through four years of college. The average house value in Orinda has quadrupled in a decade, and there are only a handful of petty crimes.

Orinda's population has grown steadily since 2000. Its percentage of people from Asia is the highest among the cities in the greater Orinda region. In comparison to Lafayette, Orinda is the second-most populated city in the region. While Lafayette is the largest city in the area, Orinda has an almost identical population size. So, it is not surprising to learn that the population of Orinda has grown by nearly 10%.