Obrien, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you understand the Population & Steets in Obrian City. The population of Obrien City is a mixture of families and single individuals. A high school graduation rate is less than a quarter of the population. A low high school graduation rate is offset by a higher college graduation rate. In terms of racial makeup, the town has an overall lower education level than most other communities in Texas.

Crime rates are lower in O'Brien than most other communities. Its crime rate per 1,000 population is less than 5%. The southwest part of the city is the most dangerous, with two crimes committed each year. The western part of the city has a high proportion of retail establishments, which often means more crimes. However, red areas don't always signal greater danger to residents. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the population and crime rate before moving to O'Brien.