North San Juan, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following data reveals the distribution of housing units in North San Juan City. This includes houses, apartments, mobile homes, rooms, and any other structure used for human habitation. North San Juan, CA has a higher share of renter-occupied housing units than its neighboring cities. In North San Juan, CA, there are 17 households with at least one car. A majority of households own two cars.

The distribution of racial groups is similar in both cities. Although there were fewer black households on West 26th Street, there were 470 white households. The distribution of residents by race was largely similar in North San Juan City. There were few businesses and opportunities for building wealth in this area. Consequently, gentrification and displacement have become a problem in these neighborhoods. The census data presented here will help identify the causes of racial discrimination in the community.

Petty crime is the main concern in the city. Most crimes occur in San Miguel, where you can find car break-ins, robberies, and pickpockets. You should be aware of visitors, secure your vehicles, and install an alarm system. The city also has a high percentage of expatriates. There are also a number of restaurants and eateries, and expatriate residents make this place their home.