Norco, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and steets of Norco City, California? The following information will help you determine the city's demographics. In Norco, California, 38% of the population has completed a bachelor's degree or higher. Similarly, 25% of Norco's residents hold a master's or professional degree, or even a doctorate. Norco's occupations are divided into three major categories. About 15% of its citizens work in service industry roles, while a total of 56% are in white-collar roles.

This Southern California city is a part of the Inland Empire and is home to over 4.4 million people. Known as an animal-keeping community, Norco is known for its extensive network of horse trails and parks. The City's residents can enjoy riding their horses around the city by tying them to hitching posts. Many stores and parks have corrals for riders to use. There are also many horseback riding trails available for visitors to tour the City.

Norco is a medium-sized city in Riverside County, California. The population was 26,316 in 2010 and is expected to reach 27,892 by 2020. While housing costs are on the higher side in Norco, they don't compare to those of other communities in California. And because of the low cost of living, many people in Norco choose to live here. The city is located in Riverside County and is part of the larger Riverside - San Bernardino metropolitan area.