Niland, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For more information about the current population and steets of Niland City, California, use the California Census Data Comparison Tool. It is a simple and easy to use tool that provides information on the demographics of any community. The tool allows you to compare the most recent data on Niland City with the data of other California communities. The table below shows you how many people live in Niland City.

The population of Niland City, California, is approximately 1,962 people, which includes 566 households. It has a median household size of 1.83 people. The median age is 37.0 years old. The median rent is $731 per household. The ratio of males to females in Niland is 176 to 1. The area has an average income of $38,202 and a 63% high school graduation rate.

The city has a median income of $48,944 and has a population density of 1.3 people per square mile. There are also three schools in the city. The population of Niland City is about as old as the state's median age. The area's economy is a bit slower than the rest of the state, but it's still growing. And with that growth comes an increase in jobs and economic activity.