Nicasio, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What Are the Population & Steets in Nicosio City, California? Nicasio is a city in northern California at the head of San Francisco Bay. The most comfortable months to visit this city are August, July, and September. The least pleasant month is January. Listed below are the population and steets of Nicasio.

According to the United States Census Bureau, there are 71 households in Nicasio. These households include 6 people who make up to $10,000 a year, four who earn $50,000-$100, and 15 individuals who earn $100,000 or more. This information is not necessarily accurate or representative of the entire population of Nicasio, CA. The United States has a much higher gender balance, which is good news for the city.

The city of Nicasio is in California's 6th congressional district. It is home to Skywalker Ranch, which is a part of Lucasfilm Ltd., which has a population of about 600 people. In 2004, Forbes Magazine ranked Nicasio as the 23rd most expensive zip code in the nation. If you are thinking of moving to Nicasio, check out these statistics.

The median property value in Nicasio, CA was $2 million in 2019. This value is 8.32 times higher than the US average. Moreover, the city's homeownership rate was higher than neighboring cities. Almost 84% of households in Nicasio own their homes. Three out of four households drive their cars to work. Those who work alone have a car, but the rest work from home.