Napa, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Napa is located 25 miles north of San Francisco. It is the county seat of Napa County and the principal city of Napa's Metropolitan Statistical Area. Napa was founded in the 1830s and incorporated as a city in 1872. It is home to a diverse population. The average July temperature is 71 degrees, with daily mean temperatures ranging from 47 to 57 degrees.

The weather in Napa City is mild, but not always pleasant. Summer rain is rare, and there are also risks of wildfires. During the cooler months, nighttime temperatures may fall below freezing. However, winters can be colder than summer, and the rainy season is between October and April. The city is home to a large number of homeless residents. The homeless population is growing rapidly in Napa.

The city of Napa was originally part of the District of Sonoma before the American Conquest of California. The Nappan people, who lived in the hills around the Valley, worked in the fields and were part of small bands. Tensions between the white settlers and Native Americans became warlike in 1850, when soldiers drove the natives north towards Clear Lake. By the 1870s, the Native American population consisted primarily of servants working for the white settlers.

The city was home to about 8,000 homeless people in 2016. The county government approved the project in 2012. The environmental coalition filed suit against the city, claiming that the development would create traffic congestion and endanger the habitat of Salvador Creek. The lawsuit led to a voiding of the city's housing plan and ordered Bridge to conduct an environmental impact study. After that, the developers canceled the project.