Muir Beach, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning to visit Muir Beach, CA, you might want to learn a bit about the community. The city is a relatively wealthy one. Its citizens are approximately 2.6% wealthier than the national average. Most of its residents own luxury cars and send their children to private schools. Residents spend their summers in Europe or on Disney vacations. This is due to its proximity to the ocean and the availability of water.

The census also lists the racial makeup of Muir Beach. Approximately 61.1% of residents identify as white. Twelve percent of the population is black. Five percent of households have a female householder who is not married. Twenty-seven percent of residents identify as Hispanic. Two percent of residents identify as other races. Census respondents are asked to report their ancestry. German and Northern European ancestry are the most common. Russian ancestry is highly concentrated.

Muir Beach has an artsy and nautical feel. Many musicians and artists moved to the area for the tranquility. In the 1960s, "San Francisco Rock" bands performed at the Old Tavern. The city is also the site of the ashes of Janis Joplin. The city is a popular place for artists, and many musicians, including Janis Joplin, have lived here.

The language spoken by residents of Muir Beach is diverse. While English is the most common language, Portuguese, Spanish, and French are also spoken by residents. Approximately 16.5% of the population speaks a foreign language. However, this is not an exhaustive list. The community's diversity is a strength. The diversity of languages makes it a wonderful place to live. So, when planning your next vacation in Muir Beach, consider these facts.