Mt Baldy, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before moving to Mt Baldy, CA, you should know a few things about the area. This city has good schools, daycares, and amenities. It is also a nice place to live with good demographics. However, you should think about the area's population before making the move. Listed below are some things to consider before moving to this city. Here are the most popular neighborhoods in the area.

The city is home to about 363 people. The median home value in Mt Baldy is $402,941 and the average household size is 2.61 people. The average age in this area is 33 years old. The median household income is $64,453, and the high school graduation rate is 72%. If you want to market your business to a population that lives in this area, you need to know what demographics you're targeting.

The ZIP code for Mt Baldy is 91759. It is part of the Mt Baldy Joint Elementary School District. There are one elementary school and one high school in this city. In Mt Baldy, California, the US Postal Service uses the D (default) designation for each ZIP code. The city is commonly referred to by its default name. If you want to know more about the school, check out the Mt Baldy School page.

The city is home to about 2,550 people. Of these, 44,520 households had children under the age of 18. There were also about 48,520 households that did not include children. The average family size in this city was 3.89 people. The median age in this city was about 38 years old. There were approximately 68.2% of female residents, and 16.5% of males lived in the city alone.