Mountain Ctr, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering relocating to Mountain Center, CA, then you should know the population and satets of the area. You will be interested to know the number of people in poverty in this city, as well as its average income. According to Census data, the poverty rate in Mountain Center is about N/A%. While it varies greatly by race, the median income in Mountain Center, CA is the same as the national poverty rate, which is $65,712 per person.

The population of Mountain Center, CA is projected to reach 85 people by the year 2020. The population has declined 0.00% from the 2010 census. This city has a low poverty rate, with a 0% overall rate. Average household income in Mountain Center, CA is - per month, and the median home value is -. There are 0 Hispanic residents, and 0% are White. Most people living in Mountain Center, CA are Mexican, with the majority of residents being born in Mexico.

The employment rate in Mountain Center, CA was NaNM% from 2018 to 2019. The highest-paying industries in the city include Construction, Agriculture, and Mining. There are other industries, but these three sectors make up a majority of the workforce. Census data is tagged to residential address. The state's outbound trade is projected to increase by about six percent in the next four years, which is higher than the national average.