Monrovia, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you want to know how many people live in Monrovia City, California, or are just curious about how to find out what your neighborhood is like, this article will give you the scoop. From crime rates to housing costs, it is easy to get a grasp of the city's demographics. The following table breaks down the city's population by neighborhood. This information will help you decide which neighborhood to live in.

The city's early inhabitants were former slaves, and the architecture of these buildings was influenced by Southern antebellum homes. It grew slowly throughout the 19th century. After the Civil War, the American Colonization Society, a group of emigrationists, encouraged African Americans to migrate to the new nation. Monrovia's population increased to a large extent, with many African Americans settling there. In fact, the city was dominated by Americo-Liberians until World War I.

Monrovia is the most diverse city in California, with more than a quarter of the population identifying as Hispanic, and nearly a quarter of residents speaking Spanish as their first language. The city has an above-average commute time - the one-way commute to work in Monrovia is over three minutes longer than the national average. Luckily, this doesn't mean that the city is lacking in diversity. In fact, Monrovia is home to more than two thousand residents, making it a diverse and interesting place to live.

As the largest city in Liberia, Monrovia is also the country's capital. It was founded in 1822 on Cape Mesurado, which is on the Atlantic coast. Today, it is the nation's chief port and seat of government. With a population of over one million people, Monrovia has been the center of commerce for over a century. The city was formerly called Christopolis but was renamed to Monrovia in honor of U.S. president James Monroe.