Miramonte, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Miramonte City are just as interesting as the statistics. This city is located in California, near San Francisco, and within 41 miles of many big cities and small towns. You may even be surprised to learn that a large percentage of its residents are Brazilian or Portuguese, which may surprise you. In addition, the city has an ethnically diverse population - about 7% of its residents are of Hispanic or Latino origin.

There are around 27,034 households in Miramonte City. This number is higher than the 98.1% national average, and is particularly impressive when considering that 74.8% of workers live in households headed by a male householder. The remaining 12.4% of households are headed by a female, with only one partner. The rest of the households were composed of non-families, with only 4.9% of households comprised of elderly residents living alone.

The population of Miramonte is comprised of many different cultures, and is marked by green and red areas. Areas with green or red colors are more ethnically diverse, with a mixture of different races living near each other. In contrast, all-white areas would be considered lacking diversity. In general, however, people of all races are welcome to live in Miramonte. There are several neighborhoods with high concentrations of Hispanics.

The median age of residents in Mira Monte, CA is 51.3. This number reflects both native-born residents and foreign-born residents, and demonstrates that the population is getting older. In addition, people of Mira Monte, CA are becoming older, which suggests that the median age of this community is a little higher than the national average. The top three foreign-born countries in the city are Mexico, the Philippines, and China, with a total of 667,994 residents.