Mendocino, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering what the population and steets are in Mendocino City, California. The city has a total population of 701 people. The median household income is $50,951, and there are a few key economic indicators. The following is a breakdown of the population by race and income level. These numbers are based on the most recent data available and should be considered a guide only if you are considering relocating to this region.

The number of evictions in Mendocino City, CA is significantly lower than that in other cities in the region. There are fewer evictions in Mendocino than in nearby cities such as Stonyford and Leggett. Nevertheless, evictions are a sign of a deteriorating economy. However, there are still a few factors to consider.

In 2000, the population of Mendocino City, California, was 830 people. Eighty percent of these individuals lived in households, while forty-one percent were in single-person households. The average family size was 2.51 people. The census count was done using the block-level data from census blocks. This information can be useful if you want to know the upcoming demographics of Mendocino City, CA.

A variety of artistic activities are available in the area. The Mendocino Film Festival was established in May 2006 to celebrate local artists. In addition, Alan Lee Silva's music "Cliffs of Mendocino" was composed to inspire middle and high school band students. While it's an ambitious project, it is still in its developmental stages. The city is home to many artists, including artists, musicians, and theater makers.