Mckinleyville, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In order to achieve a balance between automobile use and pedestrian and bicyclist transportation, the city has adopted a Circulation Plan to improve the transportation system. The Circulation Plan addresses both the vehicular and non-vehicular circulation of the city and is mandatory for all developers. McKinleyville's mixed-use plan also places vital daily life facilities such as schools, retail, and recreation within walking distance of each other. The town center acts as the hub for community activities.

The city's General Plan also calls for the adoption of a road improvement assessment district for the City. The money generated by this district will fund priority improvements in the city's roadways. A capital improvement program should be adopted within a year of the General Plan adoption. Road category 5 and 6 design standards are generally used for new subdivisions with lot sizes of 5,000 square feet or more. A traveled way that is 40 feet wide features two 12-foot driving lanes and eight-foot parking lanes. Existing roads in Mckinleyville City are typically 26 to 32 feet wide.

The McKinleyville Alternative Growth Projection is a study of the city's future population growth and how the community can best support the community's continued success. The community planning questionnaire will help local residents and city officials address concerns about rapid growth, the loss of human scale amenities, and the development of commercial areas. By providing a clear picture of the city's future development, the McKinleyville Citizens' Advisory Committee will help the community achieve its goals.