Mcclellan, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about Mcclellan City's population, you've come to the right place. The information below will help you get an overview of the demographics in the city. The USPS gives the city a designation of McCclellan, which can be used as a city, town, or village. You can also find out more about the city's ZIP code.

The population of Mcclellan City is approximately 83,600. This city is a border town with low household income and a booming foreign-trade zone. The city is also the "Square Dance Capital of the World," as it's often referred to. In 1848, James W. Marshall, a carpenter at Sutter's sawmill, found the first gold near the city.

When McLellan first got out of prison, he had a pair of teardrops tattooed under his right eye. He described himself as a landscape architect on his Facebook page, but the fact is, he stayed in broken-down cars and bounced between addresses. On one occasion, he was called to a rape call on Resa Loop Drive. The woman in the home told investigators someone removed her window air conditioner while she was sleeping.