Ludlow, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Lullow City? Interested in knowing more about the history of the area? Read this article to get an overview of the population and steets of Ludlow City. This town is located in central Massachusetts. It is a market town that serves a larger rural area. The economy of Ludlow is heavily reliant on agriculture and a variety of service industries.

The population of Ludlow is around 4,547 people, according to the 2010 census. The median household income is $44,246. The area also has a low poverty rate. The local government is one of the largest employers in the area. This community also boasts of an active Polish and Portuguese community. However, it is important to note that the area's poorer neighborhoods had higher rates of poverty and less job opportunities.

Once a bustling market, Ludlow had a train station. The Springfield, Athol and North-eastern Railroad ran through the town connecting it to New York. However, the station closed in 1960 after a spur was cut off by the Quabbin Reservoir. The Springfield and Albany Railroad eventually closed the station, and the station was replaced by the Hampden Bypass.

The area was first settled as Stony Hill Parish in the 1750s. It later incorporated as a separate town in 1774. Street names in Ludlow were originally names of farms. In fact, several gristmills and sawmills operated in the area. In addition to this, several nearby rivers provided power for these mills. Ultimately, the town's population is about 4,000 people.