Lucerne Valley, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Lucerne Valley, California, has a very low crime rate of 5.52 per thousand people in a standard year. In fact, it is safest in the southwest part of the city. In contrast, the rate of violent crimes in the east part of the city is as high as one in 68, compared to only one in 369 in the southwest part of the city. It is not easy to compare violent crime rates, however.

The population density in Lucerne Valley, CA is 57 people per square mile or 21.2 per square kilometers. It is more concentrated in the higher-paying categories, with an average income of $62,156 for males and $62,040 for females. For a comparison of California and the rest of the country, Lucerne Valley, CA has lower income inequality than the national average.

Lucerne Valley's commute to work is mostly by car. However, there are some residents who walk or take the bus. Overall, there are about 1,380 people in Lucerne Valley, with 54 walking and 1 using a bus or trolley to get around. These numbers have been gathered from the 2020 American Community Survey by the US Census Bureau. Please note, though, that the data is preliminary and is not guaranteed to be complete.

The city was incorporated in San Bernardino County in 1997, and its boundaries are delineated by the "town limits" signs. The county boundary in Lucerne Valley extends to Joshua Road, an unpaved road east of Milpas Rd. This boundary includes the 4,000-foot Ord Mountain on Highway 18 and the Cushenbury Canyon on Hwy. 18. The eastern boundary of Lucerne Valley is Old Woman Springs Ranch.