Los Osos, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and sex makeup of Los Osos City? This article provides an overview of the demographics for Los Osos, CA. While Los Osos is home to many diverse ethnicities, the majority of residents are white, Hispanic, or other. Listed below are the major job groups and the percentage of residents with a particular occupation.

The population of Los Osos is estimated at 15,603 people. Its median age is 48 years old. The city's population is shrinking slowly but steadily over the past decade. In the past ten years, about 2,000 new residents have moved to the city. While Los Osos is a small city with a quaint downtown, residents enjoy a variety of amenities.

The Town Center neighborhood is home to the largest number of Irish and Mexican residents. Other ethnic groups represented in the town include English, German, and Italian. The highest percentage of residents of the neighborhood identify with Irish ancestry, while the lowest number of people born abroad is 12.8%. If you're considering moving to Los Osos City, consider these facts. You'll be glad you did.

If you are looking for top-quality retirement living, the town center is a good choice. This California city is home to diverse housing options and is ranked among the best 10.0% of retiree-friendly communities. The area is home to many college educated seniors. As a result, Los Osos is home to numerous warning sirens to warn the local population of events at the power plant.