Los Angeles, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The U.S. Census uses census tracts to estimate neighborhood population. Los Angeles City is one of the largest cities in the United States, and is becoming increasingly residential. The city's dense inner areas and Westside neighborhoods are particularly dense. To get an idea of the population density, compare your neighborhood to the neighboring ones. Listed below are the neighborhoods within Los Angeles City. These statistics are updated annually.

The majority of the city's population is white, though the percentage of African Americans has increased over time. Historically, the majority of African Americans lived in South Los Angeles, which includes many industrial areas. In 1970, the African-American population of Los Angeles was 15.4% higher than the Hispanic population. As a result, many former predominantly African-American communities have become Hispanic. In addition, there are significant populations of Japanese and Vietnamese immigrants living in the city.

After World War II, Los Angeles' population increased rapidly. The city annexation of neighboring communities began to put stress on its water supply. The completion of the Los Angeles aqueduct, overseen by William Mulholland, allowed Los Angeles to attract more residents. The Los Angeles Combined Statistical Area is the third largest metropolitan area in the world, after New York and Greater Tokyo. The metropolitan area is the 18th largest city in the world, and is home to some of the world's largest businesses.

Neighborhood councils are an initiative in Los Angeles that was approved by voters in 1999. The city's charter outlines a multi-faceted approach to local government. Neighborhood councils are advisory organizations that represent a broad range of stakeholders. The councils are comprised of appointed officials and the city's city attorney. Neighborhood councils also serve as an outlet for local residents. A neighborhood council is an important part of a city's government.