Loomis, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to move to Loomis City, California, then you've come to the right place. If you are looking for information about the city's population and steets, you've come to the right place. Loomis is an incorporated city in Placer County, California, United States. The population was 6,430 at the 2010 census and is estimated to grow to 7,080 by 2020.

Those looking to move to Loomis will find that this community has a lot to offer. The population and steets are both low, but the town does offer some amenities that you may be interested in. Residents can expect to have a peaceful and safe living environment. However, there are many modern amenities nearby. There are several parks and recreational areas, and the city is well-equipped to accommodate visitors.

While this city is incorporated, a large portion is unincorporated. Therefore, the census data for this area will be skewed. For example, one quarter of Loomis is an unincorporated community. Because of this, some data are missing. The rest of Loomis is comprised of incorporated parts. Nevertheless, it is a good indication of the overall population in Loomis City.

The median age in Loomis is 46.7, and the median household income is $83,162. The percentage of people who are Hispanic has increased by nearly 17 percent since 2000. Of these residents, 0.71% are foreign-born citizens. This is higher than the national average and parent geographies. When comparing the population of Loomis City to other cities, it's important to note that the city has a large Vietnamese community.