Loma Mar, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are thinking about moving to Loma Mar, CA, you might be interested to know the city's population and steets. This information is available from the City's website, which you can access here. Currently, there are approximately 11,000 residents in Loma Mar. This city is home to approximately 60% owner-occupied households, and its median household size is 2.7 people. Considering all these factors, Loma Mar is a great place to live.

The population of Loma Mar is 282 people, with 52% males and 48% females. The median age is 44. The percentage of households that live below the poverty line varies based on the number of members and the composition of the family. The federal government uses a set of income thresholds to define who is poor. To be considered impoverished, a family must earn less than these amounts, based on the total income of all members. Loma Mar has a high percentage of military personnel who served in the Gulf War.

The city is located in San Mateo County, California. The Loma Mar ZIP code is designated by the United States Postal Service (USPS) and is listed as a Census Designated Place. The city has a default name, which is what locals call it. You can find population and steets information for the city using a five-digit zipcode or a nine-digit detailed address format.