Lindsay, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table provides a detailed look at the population and steets in Lindsay City, California. It shows the number of people employed in various industries in the area. The top paying industries in Lindsay, CA are Health Care & Social Assistance, Education, and Retail Trade. Lindsay is home to over 4.5k people. The median annual income in Lindsay is $31,489, which is slightly below the national average. However, incomes have been growing at a modest 1.74% per year.

Income levels vary widely between cities, and this can make it difficult to compare different communities to see the full picture of poverty. Fortunately, there are several ways to find out more about the income levels of Lindsay residents and the economic situation of the city. One way to determine how much income a household earns is to look at the number of people who live below the median income level. A city's median income is often based on income levels in the surrounding area.