Lake Isabella, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know more about the population and steets of Lake Isabella City, Texas? Before you start your research, you should be aware of the most important statistics about crime and safety in the city. The violent crime rate in Lake Isabella City is 3.94 crimes per 1,000 residents, which makes the city relatively safe. In contrast, the violent crime rate is a little bit higher in the north part of the city. In that part of the city, your chance of being a victim of a violent crime is as high as one in 103, while it is only one in 358 in the south. Comparing crime rates is not always as intuitive as it may seem.

The racial makeup of Lake Isabella is fairly diverse. It is comprised of 23.0% of the population under the age of eighteen, 6.0% in the 18-24 age group, and 23.5% in the 25-44 age group. Twenty-four percent of the population is over the age of sixty-four. In terms of gender, the population is 80% male. The area's ethnic composition is highly diverse, with a mixture of races living close together.

In addition to the ZIP code, this city's basic information includes ZIP codes and ZIP+4 codes, interactive maps, and the city's official name. The city and ZIP extension of the zip code are listed at the bottom of the page, along with its organization name. The city's population is considered to be Lower Middle Class when compared to other areas of California. It has a few nursing homes nearby.