La Porte, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to relocate to a new city, one of the first things you should do is check out the population and steets of La Porte City. These statistics will tell you everything you need to know about living in this city. Besides the population, you will also find the number of apartments for rent in La Porte City. This is a good indication of the city's affordability.

The median age of the residents of La Porte City was 39.6 years. Of the total population, 25.7% of households had a person under the age of 18. Twenty-seven percent of households were made up of married couples, while the remaining 31.3% were single-person households. Of the households, 16.5% were made up of seniors. Overall, there were 2.43 households per person and 2.97 families per household.

The majority of residents in La Porte City IA are white, although there are some residents of color. While 0.2% of the population was reported to be Hispanic, this was not statistically significant. One factor that can influence local advertising and local steets in La Porte City is the home ownership rate. Home ownership is important, as it enables local advertisers to target the right audience.

The population of La Porte City is estimated to reach 2,284 by 2020. This city is located in Black Hawk County, Iowa. It is home to one bank branch. Farmers State Bank is the most popular bank in La Porte City. It is also home to one public library and a private school. Aside from these, the city is also home to one college. If you're looking to move to La Porte City, you'll want to check out the population and steets of the area.