Kyburz, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Kyburz varies throughout the year depending on the season. The city has a high percentage of Hispanics, which makes up 16.3% of its population. More than sixty percent of its workforce is employed in white-collar roles, which accounts for a majority of the city's economic output. Approximately two-thirds of Kyburz residents hold professional or managerial positions.

Crime rates are higher in Kyburz than in its surrounding cities. This city is less safe than the national and state averages. In addition, Kyburz has a lower population density than the rest of California. Because Kyburz is located in the north, crime rates tend to be lower in this area than in the rest of the city. This may be due to the fact that Kyburz has few retail businesses.

There are two major cities within 54 miles of Kyburz, CA. Those two cities are good choices for those who want to explore the area and familiarize themselves with its culture. These cities are ideal for road trips to nearby cities or for booking flights between different airports. If you're looking for a more affordable flight to Kyburz, CA, make sure you check out the following cities.