Kit Carson, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning a trip to Kit Carson City, you'll want to know how many people live there. As of the 2010 census, Kit Carson was home to 310 people. The median property value was $59,400, which is less than the national median of $65,712. The area's homeownership rate was 67% and its commute time was 8.47 minutes. You can also find out how many people speak a language other than English at home.

Among those living in Kit Carson, CO, most are US citizens. Those living here paid the most property taxes - an average of $800 for a single household. The city also has a large percentage of military personnel, including those who served in the Gulf War. In fact, the median household income in Kit Carson is $8,875 - slightly higher than the national average. Regardless of the type of job that you have, there are several options available to get around the city.

When the Comstock Lode was discovered, Carson City began to grow rapidly. Soon, a hotel was constructed in the heart of the city. The town was named Nevada's territorial capital, and the city was later designated as the state capital. The area's population was also growing. During the 19th century, the city was home to the Nevada legislature. The city grew quickly, and it was named after the famous frontiersman Kit Carson. The city also served as the hub for the Virginia and Truckee Railroad. The city was also the county seat for the Ormsby County, but that county was abolished in 1864.