Kettleman City, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Kettleman City, CA is comprised of 883 White residents, 185 Non-Hispanic residents, and 29 American Indian / Alaska Native (Hispanic) people. There are a total of 1.12k Hispanic residents living in Kettleman City. Among these residents, Mexicans make up the largest percentage. Other non-Hispanic residents are from the Philippines and China.

The median house value in Kettleman City, CA is $159,500. The homeownership rate is 49.1%, and there is a comparatively short commute time to work. In addition, there are no super commuters living in Kettleman City, CA, but the percentage of people who carpool or walk to work is significantly higher than the state average. A total of 592 residents live outside the United States.

The median household income in Kettleman City, CA is $56,223. This is slightly less than the United States' median of $65,712. The area's main airport, Kettleman Regional Airport, is about four hours away. You may also wish to consider flights to larger cities, such as Sacramento or San Francisco. These cities have more than a dozen major airports. For example, San Francisco is four hours away, while Los Angeles is 30 miles from Kettleman City.

The population of Kettleman City is less than one-third below the federal poverty level, and a few people live above the poverty line. The Gavin Newsom administration has been talking about environmental and social justice, and this city is no exception. Its surrounding San Joaquin Valley region has been called the "New Appalachia" and is home to some of the poorest cities in California.