Kernville, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about Kernville's population, steets, or other statistics? Kernville has a population of 1,443 people and has a median household income of $49,767. You can use the California Census Data Comparison Tool to find out more. This tool is easy to use and can help you compare cities. Using this tool, you can also view the percentage of residents who live in rented housing.

The new Walmart opened its doors to the public in August. This move proved that the town had a pent-up demand for retail. The adjacent parcels were purchased and redeveloped. Kern Schools Federal Credit Union plans to open a branch in Tehachapi. Panda Express has submitted plans for a restaurant on the former St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store. Both projects have received approval to build new businesses.

The county has a younger population than the state average. This may be due to people leaving the area for retirement, or it could be that the younger work force has stepped in to fill high-tech jobs. Either way, this change has raised the city's income levels. Since the last census, median and average household income increased by $3,000 and the highest-income households increased by 121.

The new downtown Bakersfield transit center has also opened. The park and ride facility was nearly full during the work week, but it is slowly attracting more drivers. Meanwhile, the new hospital is a hub for the growing health care industry in the region. Both Kaiser Permanente and Omni Family Health have expanded their operations in Tehachapi. The expansion of these health services is proving to be beneficial for the local economy and jobs in the area.