Kempner, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographics of Kempner City include the population and the number of households. This article will show you the demographics of Kempner City, Texas. You will see that 55.1% of the residents are in the labor force, while 12.9% have a bachelor's degree or higher. The percentage of households that are below the poverty line is 10.5%. If you are considering moving to Kempner City, Texas, it is important to know the demographics of the area.

The demographics of Kempner City show that it is a community of artists, and in fact, there are more artists living in the city than in ninety percent of communities in the U.S. It is this density that gives the city its distinct character. Also, Kempner doesn't have an overpopulated atmosphere, with less young families, renters, and college students. The population is relatively quiet and peaceful.

A quick search for census information reveals that 61.1% of people in Kempner City identify as white, 12.3% are black, and 2.6% are Hispanic or Asian. In Kempner City, the largest racial groups are whites and Hispanics. About 2.6% of the population is other races, including Native Americans and Asians. In Kempner City, the racial makeup of the city is more diversified than the surrounding area.

In addition to being a suburb of Fort Worth, the community was a hub for commerce and trade. Sugarland Industries was built in Kempner City to provide services and support to the community. The owners of the property, the Kempners, expected to make a profit and invest their land in the community. But they could not compete with unionized grocery stores. That meant selling the land to Gerald Hines, a land developer.