Keeler, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for a place to live in Keeler, CA, you'll want to take a look at the population and steets of the city. You'll find that the majority of Keeler's population is African American, and that most of its census tracts are high-poverty areas. The median home price is $55,000, and over the past 10 years, Keeler's homes have appreciated at 5.2%.

The median property value in Keeler was $26,900 in 2018. That's slightly lower than the national average, but still higher than most other cities in California. Homeownership rates in Keeler are 100%, and the median age for both sexes is 0 years. Keeler's median property value is $26,900, and the median car ownership rate is two cars per household.

The median annual income in Keeler, CA is $65,712, with males earning 1.26 times as much as females. Income inequality in Keeler, CA is 0.499, which is higher than the national average. The median annual income in Keeler, CA is split between 5 occupations, with Sales & Related Occupations being the most prevalent. Manufacturing, Business & Financial Operations, and Agriculture are the least common occupations in Keeler.