Ivanhoe, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know how many people live in Ivanhoe City? If you do, you'll be pleased to know that the population density in the city is just over three people per square mile. However, the rate of violent crime in Ivanhoe is almost three times higher than the national average. It's not easy to compare the rate of violent crime in different parts of the city, because the numbers aren't intuitively similar.

The population of Ivanhoe City is mostly white, with 82.8% of residents holding a high school education. About 8.2% of the city's residents have a bachelor's degree, and 2.6% are Hispanic. However, the city is far from poor, with a median household income of $48,958. This means that there aren't many poor residents. The city's unemployment rate is also low, at only 0.04%.

If you want to travel to the area, you'll need to plan your trip around the city's airport. You can search for flights from Ivanhoe, MN to larger cities near the town. For instance, if you're flying into Minneapolis, you should make reservations for a flight to that city. If you'd like to travel to Minneapolis, you can book flights from Minneapolis to Minneapolis for less than four hours, or vice versa.

The City of Ivanhoe is one of the smallest county seats in the United States. It is located along the Yarra River on the west and the Darebin Creek on the south. It is the county seat of Lincoln County. If you're planning to visit, be sure to check the area's statistics and get ready to enjoy the small town charm. You'll be glad you came.