Hyampom, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In order to understand how much the city of Hyampom, CA has to offer, you need to know its population and steets. Here are some statistics about the town. For comparison, Hyampom is 125 miles away from the state's capital, Sacramento. You can use this data to find the right flight to reach Hyampom. If you're interested in exploring the surrounding area, it's useful to know what cities are in close proximity to Hyampom.

The population of Hyampom, California, is 241 according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The population of other races is seven (2.9%), while people of two or more races make up fifteen percent of the total. Hispanic or Latino residents account for 19 percent of the population. There are 241 households in Hyampom, and only 0 (0%) of them live in non-institutionalized group quarters.

In the central part of the city, the population is relatively low, as the area is primarily comprised of residential neighborhoods. Its crime rate is comparable to the rest of the city, and crime rates are lower than those of the surrounding suburbs. Hyampom is considered safe overall, and a city's crime rate is equivalent to its national and state average. For comparison, the population of Hyampom is slightly larger than the population of surrounding cities.