Horse Creek, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to relocate to the area, consider researching the population and steets of Horse Creek City. The city is located in California and is about 124 miles away from the nearest big city. If you want to get a better feel for its population and its area, take a look at the map below. You'll see that the population density is higher in more populated areas, and crime is lower in safer neighborhoods.

In the city of Horse Creek, approximately 411 people live. There are 257 households, and the median home value is $286,667. The average household size is 2.28 people. The estimated population of this city is expected to fall by -3.1 percent over the next year. The area has an average racial diversity score of 0.99 males for every one female. In addition to the race and ethnicity breakdown, the map also shows how much of a diverse population the area is, and how many different races reside in the area.

The average annual temperature in Horse Creek township is fifty-one degrees Fahrenheit. That's very good news! There are no dangerous air pollution levels in this town. And the water quality index in this township is 100 out of 100. This index is calculated by the Dwellics team in Horse Creek township based on acute health violations. Additionally, the team also analyzes key factors that affect the schools, including student-to-teacher ratio, and STEM/non-STEM competitions.